On 22.09.2016 00:55, yunhong jiang wrote:
On Mon, 20 Jun 2016 12:00:07 +0300
Tapio Tallgren <tapio.tallg...@nokia.com> wrote:


I have just put some code to github.com that might be interesting for
your testing: https://github.com/nokia/clocktick_jumps.
It is meant to measure latencies at a very low level, without any
guest operating system involvement.
Ideally, this code would become part of some OPNFV testing project.
Hi, Tapio

     We have (mostly) integrated the cyclictest into the KVM4NFV project
CI. Now it's executed on the patch verification and the daily test. We
are also working with yardstick team (
https://gerrit.opnfv.org/gerrit/#/c/21255/1) so that the daily test
result can be published on the yardstick dashboard

     Not sure if you have plan to add your clocktick_jumps to the yardstick, and
then we can integrate it into the project CI also?

Yes, that is my plan. I need to get more familiar with Yardstick first, so it might take a while.

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