
I have good news for you, let's keep doing our best.


 - Wenjuan rebased open patches, so that we can merge them promptly once we got 
a green light in our CI.

 - Viktor tested the doctor scenario in a Nokia pod and helped us with 
debugging. Now, we got 'OK' (success) in the pod. :)

[Remaining Tasks]

 1. Merge open patches for congress integration and fuel support

 2. Update documents accordingly if we merged these patches

 3. Request helpdesk to cut branch


CI jobs are not so stable these days. Waiting a green light in official CI 
might take days. Then we don't have enough time to work for open patches right 
now. SO, I propose to take the OK reported in Viktor's test in Nokia pod as our 
green light, and start to merge open patches. What do you think?


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