On Tue, May 07, 2024 at 11:24:32PM +0200, Paul Spooren wrote:
> Hi all,
> For some reason (resource usage?) our snapshot builds do not include the LuCI 
> web interface. I think it’s an advantage to have LuCI installed in snapshot 
> images since a) it installed for all releases anyway and b) often it’s just 
> nice to have the web interface directly available.
> Is anyone against having the interface installed by default? I remember from 
> multiple (in-person) discussion with fellow developers, that they’d prefer it 
> being installed.
> If it’s an oversight I’d like to see it added to the default packages (via 
> the builedbot config), if there’s a reason to keep it from snapshots, I’d 
> like to understand the details.

Reason was probably when we supported very low memory device of 16/32
where it was a miracle the thing booted and could handle some traffic.
uhttpd + luci was enough to make them run OOM.

I didn't check how LOW SPACE device are handled and maybe this is
already done, but maybe those device should not have the web ui

I think another reason was to discourage people on using SNAPSHOT
instead of STABLE release (since no luci and they had to use SSH from
the start)

Aside from the LOW SPACE thing to check, totally OK for me to add webui
in SNAPSHOT image.


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