Hi Sam,

On Sun, Mar 31, 2024 at 03:32:59PM -0700, Sam Petrov wrote:
> I have a project for work I'm shopping around: I have access to an
> existing SDK from Morse Micro
> (https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/18vAzb6E4E33axyx20E9QvXI0NfQVF6S8?usp=sharing).
> I'm trying to get AHM26108D
> (https://www.alfa.com.tw/products/ahm26108d?variant=39922067898440) to
> work with OpenWrt on a NanoPi R5C
> (https://www.friendlyelec.com/index.php?route=product/product&product_id=290).
> I'm not sure if it requires compiling a full custom OpenWrt image from
> scratch or just creating a package that can be installed atop vanilla
> OpenWrt. Open to hire immediately for this single project.
I had a quick look at the specs of that AHM26108D as well as the
schematics of the NanoPi R5C [1] and I'm afraid I've got bad new for
Despite being a Key-E M.2 slot this card is not compatible with the
R5C. The reason is that the R5C only offers PCIe signals on the M.2
slot while the AHM26108D uses SDIO (which is not very common and you
will have a hard time finding *any* SBC which offers SDIO signals on
an Key-E M.2 slot).

The best option would probably be to build a custom adapter in the
shape of a microSD card which plugs into the R5C and allows you to use
that SDIO bus for the AHM26108D while booting the R5C from eMMC.

[1]: https://wiki.friendlyelec.com/wiki/images/4/45/NanoPi_R5C_2209_SCH.PDF
     page 18 "M.2 Key E 2230"

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