Hi Paul,
While working on using APK instead of OPKG, I started to look into ABI
versions of different packages and found that ustream-ssl always install
libustream-ssl.so <http://libustream-ssl.so/>, with no ABI version
$(INSTALL_DATA) $(PKG_INSTALL_DIR)/usr/lib/libustream-ssl.so $(1)/lib/
Doesn’t this render the idea of ABI version obsolete since they can’t be
installed side by side?
Yes it does, somewhat. It still enforces package consistency opkg-wise (can't
upgrade libustream-ssl without upgrading all packages depending on it) but as
you correctly pointed out, it will prevent side-by-side installations and thus
graceful upgrades.
Ideally all packages specifying an ABI version should ship versioned .so files
as well.
~ Jo
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