On Mon, Oct 9, 2023 at 6:05 AM Eicke Herbertz <woll...@posteo.de> wrote:
> >
> > Where does that CMAKE_GENERATOR environment variable come from? Would
> > it make sense to undefine it instead?
> >
> > Regards,
> > Jonas
> Well, from the environment of my development machine.
> I have it set to Ninja for a long time on this system.
> Do you mean undefining it manually or as part of the build process?
> I'd dislike having to manually undefine it. It's a documented behaviour
> of CMake since v3.15 and it's tedious to run "make -j1 V=s" to figure
> out the issue first.
I have said before and will say it again: cmake.mk needs to be using
toolchain files instead of these command line shenanigans.
> As part of the build process, I find explicitly defining the Makefile
> generator better communicates intent than undefining an environment
> variable and depending on CMake's default (although that probably won't
> change).
> Regards,
> Eicke
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