On Sun, 2022-11-06 at 17:16 +0000, David Woodhouse wrote:
> That worked, but *only* for VLAN2 which is in the original 'br-lan'
> but *not* for VLAN3:
> bridge name   bridge id               STP enabled     interfaces
> tag           7fff.06bde9e2bd93       yes             lan4
> br-lan6               7fff.06bde9e2bd93       yes             wlan1-1
> br-lan                7fff.06bde9e2bd93       yes             wlan0-1
>                                                       lan2
>                                                       wlan0
>                                                       tag.2
>                                                       wan
>                                                       lan3
>                                                       wlan1
>                                                       lan1
> If I manually create the tag.3 device and add it to br-lan6, it works
> fine. Why didn't netifd do it for me?

I finally worked it out. There's a difference between the 'lan'
interface which has existed through config upgrades for years, and the
'lan6' and 'nat' bridges which were created more recently. The latter
two had 'option type bridge':

config interface 'lan6'
        option type 'bridge'
        option proto 'static'
        option ip6prefix '2001:8b0:10b:3::/64'
        option stp '1'
        list ip6addr '2001:8b0:10b:3::1/64'
        option device 'br-lan6'

Those worked OK for wireless but I couldn't work out how to add wired
devices to them, so added a separate explicit bridge device br-lan6.
And while adding raw Ethernet devices (e.g. 'wan', 'lan4') to br-lan6
was working, adding 'lan4.3' VLAN was not.

Just removing the 'type' (and 'stp') option from the lan6 *interface*
config made it work.

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