On 27/02/2022 17:20, Ansuel Smith wrote:
>  >
>> From: Tony Ambardar <itug...@yahoo.com>
>> dwarves is a set of tools that use the debugging information inserted in
>> ELF binaries by compilers such as GCC. Utilities in the dwarves suite
>> include pahole, which can be used to find alignment holes in structs and
>> classes, and also extracts other information such as CPU cacheline
>> alignment, helping pack those structures to achieve more cache hits.
>> These tools are also used to encode and read the BTF type information
>> format used with the bpf syscall, making this a Linux build dependency
>> when using kernel BTF information.
> BTW this fails to build if libdw-dev is not installed with
> -- Checking availability of DWARF and ELF development libraries
> -- Could NOT find dwarf include dir
> -- Could NOT find libdw include dir
> -- Could NOT find libdw library
> CMake Error at cmake/modules/FindDWARF.cmake:93 (message):
>   Could NOT find some ELF and DWARF libraries, please install the missing
>   packages
> Call Stack (most recent call first):
>   CMakeLists.txt:60 (find_package)
>     ERROR: tools/dwarves failed to build.
> Should we add it to the build prereq?

Please try this instead:

diff --git a/tools/dwarves/Makefile b/tools/dwarves/Makefile
index b02a2398a1..e5a55706be 100644
--- a/tools/dwarves/Makefile
+++ b/tools/dwarves/Makefile
@@ -12,14 +12,12 @@PKG_LICENSE:=GPL-2.0-only


include $(INCLUDE_DIR)/host-build.mk
include $(INCLUDE_DIR)/cmake.mk

-       -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release \
       -D__LIB=lib \


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