On 1/10/22 8:08 PM, Philip Prindeville wrote:
On Jan 7, 2022, at 7:49 AM, Torsten Duwe <d...@lst.de> wrote:

On Wed, 5 Jan 2022 17:09:19 -0700
Philip Prindeville <philipp_s...@redfish-solutions.com> wrote:

Anyone have documentation on getting started?
Or strong arguments to use Freeswitch over Asterisk or vice versa?
My personal impression is that the mature Asterisk is good at combining
POTS with VoIP, with very limited support for video, whereas the rather
new FreeSwitch focuses on VoIP, has some ambitions towards video
conferencing (Big Blue Button prefers it, FWIW), and seems to have
limited support for POTS.

Around 2019 I had to switch from Asterisk to FreeSwitch because Deutsche
Telekom is rather picky about their DNS setup; you must use their SRV
records, otherwise phone service will fail in an obscure way,
occasionally. Only FreeSwitch was able to do the proper DNS SRV lookup.
I also found that it handles the forced DSL disconnects very gracefully.

FreeSwitch is being quite actively developed, and documentation (mostly
the wiki) lags behind, more or less, so RTFS was inevitable back then.


Bruce & Torsten: what packages/resources/functions, etc. do you enable in 
Asterisk?  There's a bazillion of them...

And which ones to stay away from because of their potential security exposure?



Oh gawd! what an open question.

To answer that I'd need to know what your needs are.

For me, SIP (via pj_sip.  I think it's needlessly complex, but it's mainline now) and WebRT (video) are my primary needs.  I used to work for the company that bought the OpenH323 project so I keep it on for old times sake.

I turn on all of the mods_, all of the res_ and most of the codecs (I skip g729... It costs money and bandwidth isn't quite the issue it was once) but tailor your codecs to the devices you have or plan to have.  Usually G711 is a good bet just in general.  Make sure you enable the modules that enable dial plan macros and any kind of dial plan "programming.  They're just too useful.

you don't have to configure them all, but if you don't build them and want 
them, they you get to go back and do the build again.  I dislike that.

I'm not at all fond of the ODBC database drivers, but sometimes...

And I always build the MySQL Integration.

'nuff o' that!

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