> On Oct 5, 2021, at 10:24 AM, Paul D <newt...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Write this up into an FAQ/howto on openwrt.org (this is, after all, the OWRT 
> way)

Yes, it's always more powerful (and useful) to tell people what TO do, instead 
of what NOT to do.

I contribute very occasionally, and by trial and error, I *think* I have found 
the procedure. (And if it's not right, or not optimal, I would be delighted to 
learn how to do it better...)

- In Github, fork the official repo into my personal Github account
- Clone my personal copy of the repo to my laptop
- Create a branch for my changes on my laptop

- Monkey around, improve the world, then...

- Squash my commits so that there's only one change (optional, but it tends to 
improve the commit messages)
- Push my commits back to my personal repo
- From my personal Github account, create a PR for my branch back to the 
official OpenWrt repo

Do I have the gist of it? Many thanks.

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