
Op maandag 12 april 2021 om 15u31 schreef Bjørn Mork <bj...@mork.no>:
Stijn Segers <f...@volatilesystems.org> writes:

 Add the rtl83xx-poe package to the device profiles for the
 ZyXEL PoE switches that are currently supported:
 - GS1900-10HP
 - GS1900-8HP v1
 - GS1900-8HP v2

 Signed-off-by: Stijn Segers <f...@volatilesystems.org>
 This patch depends on the rtl83xx-poe package sitting in Patchwork:

Wondering a bit about the status here? Did I miss some change request or
is there something else wrong?

This package is required to use the PoE feature of the supported
switches. Releasing 21.02 without it will probably result in frustrated users looking for a way to use a feature which used to work before they
upgraded to OpenWrt. We can easily make it work by default with the
rtl83xx-poe package and Stijn's patch.

The package works very well, and no one has yet made any alternative
implementation in other languages or whatver, as far as I know.

I'll be sending in a revised patch set that covers non-ZyXEL devices as well, these patches are rather trivial so would be nice to see them merged.




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