Hi Hauke,
Op woensdag 7 april 2021 om 23u58 schreef Hauke Mehrtens
On 4/7/21 12:29 AM, Hauke Mehrtens wrote:
How do we want to go forward with OpenWrt 21.02-rc1?
* I think the base system is ok.
* The http (original wolfssl) problem reported by jow is fixed
* LuCI in the 21.02 branch still misses DSA support, this was merged
into master some time ago as far as I understood.
Jow reported this end of March:
I found some serious regressions in the luci device config support.
not sure yet how long it'll take to sort out. The netifd uci config
grew so complex that it'll take a while to try all cases
* changing interface settings after previously enabling certain
options results in a brick
* wireless networks with custom ifnames are improperly bridged
* option ipv6 for ppp based protocols is broken because it clashes
with option ipv6 in device sections
I would like to merge this update of iproute2 if Russel is fine with
it, but I do not see this blocking 21.02-rc1:
If there are some other bugs in the 21.02 branch which are fixed in
master, we can backport the fixed as long as they are not so big.
If there is something missing, just ask on the mainling list.
In would like to get 21.02-rc1 soon, so more users start testing it
and we get more bug reports.
How should we continue?
1. Tag 21.02-rc1 and do the release in the next days with the current
2. Merge the LuCI DSA changes from master to 21.02 branch now and do
21.02-rc1 ~3 days to see if some big problems come up.
3. Wait till the problems reported by jow are fixed and do the
4. Wait an other 2 weeks and see how it looks them.
I would prefer if we merge the LuCI DSA changes from master to 21.02
branch now and do 21.02-rc1 soon. We should list the problems as
known problems.
It would be nice if someone else could also look into these problems
and propose fixes.
There are requests for some pretty big changes to get merged into
Bring WireGuard in-tree for 21.02 #3960
Adding 63482 lines, mostly backported kernel patches.
kernel: DSA roaming fix for Marvell mv88e6xxx
Adding 1180 lines of kernel patches
build: make sure asm gets built with -DPIC
iproute2: backport 5.11 update and improvements, related NLS fixes
multiple patches for packages
Are there any objections to backporting these changes? If no one
complains I will merge them into 21.02 in on Friday.
Thanks for getting the RC going. I have been running the WireGuard PR
on 21.02 for a few weeks now, no issues here. Same for the iproute2 PR
but I have done no specific testing on it (just running pretty default
configs on DSA devices). No complaints about that PR either.
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