Thanks!! :)

Sorry for stripping the quoted text, doing it only to make it easier to read 
possibly follow-up messages. :)

So I looked at the great work by David And Christian:

Tee answer seems to lie in include/configs/fritz7530.h;

reporting here some relevant parts:
#define MTDPARTS_DEFAULT        


#define CONFIG_BOOTCOMMAND    "run fritzboot"


#define CONFIG_EXTRA_ENV_SETTINGS                               \
        "mtdids=" MTDIDS_DEFAULT "\0"                               \
        "mtdparts=" MTDPARTS_DEFAULT "\0"                   \
        "nandboot=ubi part ubi && ubi read 0x85000000 kernel && bootm\0"      \
        "tftpboot=tftpboot && bootm; sleep 5; run tftpboot\0" \
        "fritzboot=run nandboot || run tftpboot;\0"           \

The device continues retrying downloading the file until it succeeds. the logic 
seems kinda clear, but not how the loop is achived.
But I guess the answer might be pretty obvious and may well bei n these lines. 

Thanks guys.

Have a good day.


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