> On Jan 22, 2021, at 12:03 PM, Daniel Golle <dan...@makrotopia.org> wrote:
> Hi Philip,
> On Fri, Jan 22, 2021 at 11:23:42AM -0700, Philip Prindeville wrote:
>> Hi,
>> Is anyone interested in adding a page to the openwrt.org site about
>> developers willing to do commercial work?
>> It could be as simple as:
>> * name
>> * email address
>> * mobile (if wanted)
>> * packages/platforms/architectures you maintain or have competence in
>> * whether you're available full-time, part-time, or currently unavailable
>> Might be useful for matching up devs with work.
> While I like the idea and would probably benefit from it myself, I'm
> a bit sceptical when it comes to making OpenWrt.org an institution
> certifying developers. Too much trouble was caused over having
> '@openwrt.org' addresses and I doubt we are able to handle the
> moderation needs (think: classic fraud, fishing, ...) of such a thing
> if it is even a wiki, ie. free to edit for all.
> Things like a wiki with only volunteer moderation somehow work because
> there is little to no commercial interest in manipulation and it is
> usually easy to recognize (ie. classic spam). In the moment that we
> change that, we have to be prepared to also face a different quality
> of manipulation attempts.
> Just my 2 cents...
In thought about this. I guess the page would have a caveat that it wasn't an
official endorsement or anything like that.
Still, the price of admission might be being known in the community for at
least one year (that can be submitting PR's, reviewing PR's, editing the Wiki,
for example), and do have submitted and had approved at least 5 PR's or to be
the maintainer of at least one package.
Does that seem like enough of a bar to prevent fraud?
>> Just an idea to help our community prosper.
>> Thanks,
>> -Philip
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