On Sa, Jan 2, 2021 at 03:31, Sven Roederer <devel-s...@geroedel.de> wrote:

based on Pauls recent idea "rules: add findrev function from LuCI" of reusing some LuCI-code, I'd like to point to a github-PR with a related suggestion:


As noted in the PR-message, it splits the current luci.mk file into two files. One for common code that might be usefull for other repos and the 2nd file
containing the very LuCI-repo specific code.

Common code "luci-common.mk" can be included by other repos to use common constants (LUCI_MENU.*, LUCI_LANG.*, LUCI_LIBRARYDIR) and macros (findrev, PKG_GITBRANCH, SrcDiet, JsMin, Package/$(PKG_NAME)/install). But the code only
relevant to the packages of the LuCI-repo (template-package-receips, $
(PKG_NAME),luci-base, LuciTranslation) stays in "luci.mk".

For LuCI is reduces the size of the current makefile and makes it more easy to understand by new users. For "foreign" repos just including "luci-common.mk"
reduces conflicts and clashes.

This code is used in the development-branch of the Freifunk Berlin Firmware since mid of 2019 without problems. Also Florian sees some benefits in this
change, but it's still waiting for a final ACK or NACK by Jo-Philipp.

So probably this is now the best chance to get it also included into 20.xx .

Fine with me, I'm fine with doing the split first and then discuss the base-files version change, that may require a bit more discussion.

Best Sven

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