On 26/09/2020 14:53, Ansuel Smith wrote:
Il giorno sab 26 set 2020 alle ore 14:48 Andre Heider
<a.hei...@gmail.com> ha scritto:

On 26/09/2020 12:54, Florian Eckert wrote:
Hello Andre,

thanks for your remarks, but I have to say this is a master branch and
this is *not* a stable branch!
The current implementation is not maintainable so I thought we have to
refactor this package.
If something is changed then something can also be broken.
This is not intended but can happen.

but the non existing backwards compatibility sucks though. This move
breaks every installation relying on a provider which now moved to the
new package.

There will always be new packages and you have to adapt.
The other possibility was to leave the new files in the ddns-scripts package.
This would have increased the size of the package!
Then others would have been upset about the size of the package.
How to do it there is always someone who doesn't like it!

How about a package for each provider? Then you don't need to whip up
your own update script, which needs special handling everywhere else.
Just use the opkg infrastructure like everything else.

If you want to keep backward capability, you could then
* move the main script to a "core" package
* create an "all" package, which just depends on all providers
* make the package of the old name depend on those two

That way, the ddns setup doesn't break for updates.

This is what we will do (to quickly fix the problem the ddns-script will depend
on the "all" script package. This way we can keep the core and the service file
separate and save compatibility). Creating a package for each service
is massive.
It would mean 73+ new package that just contain a json file.

right, that may be a little too much...

Another though:
It looks like the script downloads providers to the same location as the new package installs to. I didn't check, but opkg might not install at all or just overwrite those if one installs the package after letting the script download providers?

Maybe use another location for those dynamic downloads and add it to /lib/upgrade/keep.d/ for sysupgrades?


And the `ddns` command is basically just a stripped down opkg in sh.

Not everyone needs all service providers.
Therefore the possibility to download the providers and not to install
the package.
It is also possible that the service urls change during the life cycle
of the software.
This can be updated by downloading the service files.

I think this needs to be more user friendly and less setup breaking.

As I said, thanks for the feedback I and Ansual are working on it.



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