Sven Eckelmann <> writes:
> On Monday, 17 August 2020 10:39:00 CEST Bjørn Mork wrote:
>> Linus Lüssing <> writes:
> [...]
>> This is not a bug.  They are deliberately breaking IPv6 because they
>> consider this a feature.  You should not try to work around such issues.
>> It is a fight you cannot win.  Any workaround will only encourage them
>> to come up with new ways to break IPv6.
> Who are "they" and


> where is this information coming from?

I made it up.

> And what do they gain from breaking IPv6?

Battery time.

> Wouldn't it be easier for them just to disable IPv6 
> than adding random looking bugs?

You would think so.

If it isn't clear, I am hoping to provoke them to re-classify the
"feature" as a bug and fix it.  That's what it takes to prove I am wrong.
Should be easy-peasy.


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