Until now it has not been possible to remove countries from the regdb.
The packages has been extended, so that it is now possible to add or
omit individual countries in the regdb during package compile time.

You can now add countries to a blacklist or whitelist to customize the
regdb. In the blacklist or whitelist the countries must be entered in a
comma separated list. So abbreviation for the countries are entered in
IS03166 ALPHA-2 notation.

If this option is not activated, then all countries in the regdb are taken
over as before.

Signed-off-by: Florian Eckert <f...@dev.tdt.de>
 package/firmware/wireless-regdb/Config.in | 47 ++++++++++++++++++++
 package/firmware/wireless-regdb/Makefile  | 52 ++++++++++++++++++++++-
 2 files changed, 98 insertions(+), 1 deletion(-)
 create mode 100644 package/firmware/wireless-regdb/Config.in

diff --git a/package/firmware/wireless-regdb/Config.in 
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..1a37ff4d2b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/package/firmware/wireless-regdb/Config.in
@@ -0,0 +1,47 @@
+if PACKAGE_wireless-regdb
+       bool "Customize wirelss regdb country selection"
+       default n
+       help
+         Enabling this allows customization the wireless regdb
+         in blacklist and whitelist.
+menu "Settings"
+       prompt "Choose regdb handling"
+       help
+         Choose which regdb handling you want to use during compile time.
+       bool "whitelist"
+       help
+         Add a comma separated list, which countries should be included
+         in the regdb during package compile (ISO3166 ALPHA-2).
+       bool "blacklist"
+       help
+         Add a comma seperate list which countries should NOT be included
+         in the regdb during package compile (ISO3166 ALPHA-2).
+       string "Country list (ISO3166 ALPHA-2)"
+       help
+         Add a comma separated country list for whitelist/blacklist
+         handling in wireless regdb during compile time in
+         ISO3166 ALPHA-2 notation.
+         For example: DE,FR,US,ES
diff --git a/package/firmware/wireless-regdb/Makefile 
index fc18d159b1..3ba95ce320 100644
--- a/package/firmware/wireless-regdb/Makefile
+++ b/package/firmware/wireless-regdb/Makefile
@@ -20,8 +20,58 @@ define Package/wireless-regdb
   TITLE:=Wireless Regulatory Database
+define Package/wireless-regdb/config
+       source "$(SOURCE)/Config.in
+define Build/Configure
+       $(CP) $(PKG_BUILD_DIR)/db.txt $(PKG_BUILD_DIR)/db-gen.txt
+       ( \
+       if [ "$(CONFIG_WIRELESS_REGDB_CUSTOM)" = "y" ]; then \
+               echo "" > $(PKG_BUILD_DIR)/db-gen.txt; \
+               IFS='\n'; \
+               while read -r line; do \
+                       if echo "$$$$line" | grep "^country" 1>/dev/null 
2>/dev/null; then \
+                               IFS_BAK=$$$$IFS; \
+                               IFS=','; \
+                               code=$$$${line:8:2}; \
+                               countries=$(CONFIG_WIRELESS_REGDB_COUNTRIES); \
+                               for country in $$$$countries; do \
+                                       if [ 
+                                               if [ "$$$$code" = "$$$$country" 
]; then \
+                                                       match="yes"; \
+                                                       break; \
+                                               else \
+                                                       match="no"; \
+                                               fi; \
+                                       fi; \
+                                       if [ 
+                                               if [ "$$$$code" = "$$$$country" 
]; then \
+                                                       match="no"; \
+                                                       break; \
+                                               else \
+                                                       match="yes"; \
+                                               fi; \
+                                       fi; \
+                               done; \
+                               IFS=$$$$IFS_BAK; \
+                       fi; \
+                       if echo "$$$$line" | grep "^wmmrule ETSI:" 1>/dev/null 
2>/dev/null; then \
+                               match="yes"; \
+                       fi; \
+                       if [ "$$$$match" = "yes" ]; then \
+                               printf "%s\n" "$$$$line" >> 
$(PKG_BUILD_DIR)/db-gen.txt; \
+                       fi; \
+                       if [ -z "$$$$line" ] && [ "$$$$match" = "yes" ]; then \
+                               match="no"; \
+                       fi; \
+               done < $(PKG_BUILD_DIR)/db.txt; \
+       fi; \
+       )
 define Build/Compile
-       $(STAGING_DIR_HOST)/bin/$(PYTHON) $(PKG_BUILD_DIR)/db2fw.py 
$(PKG_BUILD_DIR)/regulatory.db $(PKG_BUILD_DIR)/db.txt
+       $(STAGING_DIR_HOST)/bin/$(PYTHON) $(PKG_BUILD_DIR)/db2fw.py 
$(PKG_BUILD_DIR)/regulatory.db $(PKG_BUILD_DIR)/db-gen.txt
 define Package/wireless-regdb/install

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