Jordan Geoghegan <> writes:

> This isn't about 500 bytes of space anymore is it? 

FWIW, I believe it is.  It is about the sum of all the 500 bytes of
space contributed by each feature which doesn't qualify as strictly

The upside is that OpenWrt runs on devices with almost no RAM and flash.
I thought that was pretty obvious.  This is the result of a rather
tedious work over a long time, defining features as "bloat". It makes
OpenWrt unique.

There is obviously also a downside, as you have pointed out.  All those
removed features are useful in some context. And it is definitely
frustrating every time you miss one of them.

But I don't think you help your cause by describing the current state as
"not have a working tr".  It might not work as you expected.  That's
understandable.  But that is by design and not a bug, as you've been


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