> On May 13, 2020, at 11:59 AM, Michael Jones <m...@meshplusplus.com> wrote:
> E.g. if /lib/upgrade/script2 has returned, at all, the system needs to 
> reboot, because at this point /sbin/upgraded should be the only process 
> running.
> if /lib/upgrade/script2 has not returned after 1 hour, there's no chance that 
> the upgrade will succeed, so reboot. 
> In both situations, the board may be in a bad state. But there's nothing that 
> can be done.
> /sbin/upgraded offers the user no CLI interactions at all, so there's no 
> recovery actions that could be taken even if there was a UART / Serial / VGA 
> + Keyboard connection to the board to allow user interaction.

And we’re certain that the box isn’t in a compromised state, where rebooting 
and continuing does more harm that good?

Like coming up with no firewall or a corrupted configuration?

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