Hi Vivek & sorry for late reply.
It took me few hours to evaluate current DMU / CRU / pinctrl situation.
On 03.05.2020 22:15, Vivek Unune wrote:
On Sun, Apr 5, 2020 at 10:48 AM Vivek Unune <npcomplet...@gmail.com> wrote:
On Tue, Mar 31, 2020 at 5:51 PM Vivek Unune <npcomplet...@gmail.com> wrote:
Hi All / Rafał,
I'm about to update device tree for Linksys Panamera router (aka
EA9500) so that it uses pin controller defined in BCM5301X.dtsi [1].
However, the mainline kernel's Northstar pinctrl driver code
(ns-pinctrl.cs [2]) is out of sync with the device tree. As you see,
the driver looks for syscon node which is absent in the device tree.
Was there a patch submitted to update the device tree along with the
driver? I could only find the patch wrt the driver [3]
If the device tree was indeed updated, which git repository should I
use to prepare and test my patch?
That mismatch is caused by a failed cleanup action for DMU / CRU. I
decided to refactor those bindings, some changes were accepted and some
were rejected as Rob found some issues in my submitted work.
It results in a slightly messy situation that needs sorting out properly
with all nodes considered. I'll write e-mail to devicetree@ shortly.
[3] https://patchwork.kernel.org/patch/10735933/
Adding Rafał
So I've managed to compile and have the pincontrol working in OpenWrt.
However, in order to submit my patch upstream I will need correct tree
to create my patch.
Rafał - can you point me in the right direction?
Bump & change subject.
For DTS changes you should branch devicetree/next of:
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