Ansible doesn't require or need python on targets. In fact it's one of it's
biggest selling points and why over a 3rd of modules are network device

There is a UCI module for openwrt:

I tend to redeploy images/snapshots to VM's and then run opkg via ansible
or scripts and copy over config files.


On Thu, 9 Apr 2020 at 09:08, Paul Spooren <> wrote:

> Hi all,
> I was wondering if there are some best practices for configuration
> management of OpenWrt devices. I understand that it is fairly easy to
> get/restore a backup of the etc/config folder, but though maybe there
> are some smarter ways.
> Ideally a local state (e.g. git repository) would deploy multiple
> devices and automatically update them via a command (or even cron).
> Other projects came up with solutions which seem to heavy for common
> WiFi routers. Ansible[0] is great and all, however requires plenty of
> Python to work conveniently. Then cloud-init[1] is Python as well, I
> think even heavier on the client side than Ansible and also doesn't
> seem to be the right use case.
> Some time ago I came up with a MAC based init system[2] but that's not
> really to keep things up to date.
> Last thing I know of is the approach to convert folders into opkg
> install-able packages[3], so whenever there is a new configuration all
> pre-configured routers would install it via opkg. However this would
> require an opkg cron on client device and building the config-packages
> appear to be quite some overhead. On the other side it handles
> authentication via usign keys.
> Anyway, please recommend me a better way which I'm not aware of!
> Best,
> Paul
> [0]:
> [1]:
> [2]:
> [3]:
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