JSON info files contain machine readable information of built profiles
and resulting images. These files where added via 881ed09ee6e2. They are
useful for firmware wizards and script checking for reproducibility.

Currently all JSON files are stored next to the built images, resulting
in up to 168 individual files for the ath79/generic target.

This patch refactors the JSON creation to store individual per image
(not per profile) files in $(BUILD_DIR)/json_info_files and create an
single overview file called `profiles.json` in the target directory.

Storing per image files and not per profile solves the problem of
parallel file writes. If a profiles sysupgrade and factory image are
finished at the same time both processes would write to the same JSON
file, resulting in randomly broken outputs.

Some target like x86/64 do not use the image code yet, resulting in
missing JSON files. If no JSON info files were created, no
`profiles.json` files is created as it would be empty anyway.

As before, this creation is enabled by default only if `BUILDBOT` is set.

Tested via buildroot & ImageBuilder on ath79/generic, imx6 and x86/64.

Signed-off-by: Paul Spooren <m...@aparcar.org>
  * One instead of three CONFIG options
  * Only created `profiles.json` without copying individual JSON files
  * Add merging functionality to ImageBuilder
  * Use underscores in Makefile function name
  * Fix wrong `rm -f` path (missing /tmp)
  * Use `pathlib` instead of `json.dump`
  * use `os.getenv` from Python stdlib
  * remove "generic" subtarget fallback as it is implement in image.mk

  * cleaned leftover `select JSON_CREATE_IMAGE_INFO`
  * rename `version_number` to `version_code`

  * remove .IGNORE and prevent `cp` from failing if image not created
  * create JSON files on image basis instead of per profile to prevent
    parrallel file writes
  * use work dir at $(BUILD_DIR)/json_info_files instead of $(KDIR)
  * don't create profiles.json if target not JSON compatible (like x86)

  * Use targets for JSON files so `make` knows which files are written

 Makefile                            |  7 +++
 config/Config-build.in              |  9 ++--
 include/image.mk                    | 53 +++++++++++----------
 scripts/json_add_image_info.py      | 71 ++++++++++++++++-------------
 scripts/json_overview_image_info.py | 41 +++++++++++++++++
 target/imagebuilder/files/Makefile  |  8 ++++
 6 files changed, 129 insertions(+), 60 deletions(-)
 create mode 100755 scripts/json_overview_image_info.py

diff --git a/Makefile b/Makefile
index 181c33b180..356a1b9e74 100644
--- a/Makefile
+++ b/Makefile
@@ -87,6 +87,12 @@ prereq: $(target/stamp-prereq) tmp/.prereq_packages
                exit 1; \
+$(BIN_DIR)/profiles.json: FORCE
+       WORK_DIR=$(BUILD_DIR)/json_info_files \
+               $(SCRIPT_DIR)/json_overview_image_info.py $@
+json_overview_image_info: $(BIN_DIR)/profiles.json
 checksum: FORCE
        $(call sha256sums,$(BIN_DIR),$(CONFIG_BUILDBOT))
@@ -108,6 +114,7 @@ prepare: .config $(tools/stamp-compile) 
 world: prepare $(target/stamp-compile) $(package/stamp-compile) 
$(package/stamp-install) $(target/stamp-install) FORCE
        $(_SINGLE)$(SUBMAKE) -r package/index
        $(_SINGLE)$(SUBMAKE) -r checksum
 .PHONY: clean dirclean prereq prepare world package/symlinks 
package/symlinks-install package/symlinks-clean
diff --git a/config/Config-build.in b/config/Config-build.in
index 6a6fb2882c..61a9265ad7 100644
--- a/config/Config-build.in
+++ b/config/Config-build.in
@@ -7,12 +7,13 @@
 menu "Global build settings"
-       config JSON_ADD_IMAGE_INFO
-               bool "Create JSON info files per build image"
+               bool "Create JSON info file overview per target"
                default BUILDBOT
-                 The JSON info files contain information about the device and
-                 build images, stored next to the firmware images.
+                 Create a JSON info file called profiles.json in the target
+                 directory containing machine readable list of built profiles
+                 and resulting images.
        config ALL_NONSHARED
                bool "Select all target specific packages by default"
diff --git a/include/image.mk b/include/image.mk
index fd04d4020b..abce71afe6 100644
--- a/include/image.mk
+++ b/include/image.mk
@@ -544,32 +544,14 @@ define Device/Build/kernel
 define Device/Build/image
-  GZ_SUFFIX := $(if $(filter %dtb %gz,$(2)),,$(if $(and $(findstring 
-  $$(_TARGET): $(BIN_DIR)/$(call IMAGE_NAME,$(1),$(2))$$(GZ_SUFFIX)
+  $$(_TARGET): $(BUILD_DIR)/json_info_files/$(call IMAGE_NAME,$(1),$(2)).json
   $(eval $(call Device/Export,$(KDIR)/tmp/$(call IMAGE_NAME,$(1),$(2)),$(1)))
-  ROOTFS/$(1)/$(3) := \
-       $(KDIR)/root.$(1)$$(strip \
-               $$(if $$(FS_OPTIONS/$(1)),+fs=$$(call 
param_mangle,$$(FS_OPTIONS/$(1)))) \
-       )$$(strip \
-               $(if $(TARGET_PER_DEVICE_ROOTFS),+pkg=$$(ROOTFS_ID/$(3))) \
-       )
-  ifndef IB
-    $$(ROOTFS/$(1)/$(3)): $(if 
-  endif
-  $(KDIR)/tmp/$(call IMAGE_NAME,$(1),$(2)): $$(KDIR_KERNEL_IMAGE) 
-       @rm -f $$@
-       [ -f $$(word 1,$$^) -a -f $$(word 2,$$^) ]
-       $$(call concat_cmd,$(if 
-  .IGNORE: $(BIN_DIR)/$(call IMAGE_NAME,$(1),$(2))
-  $(BIN_DIR)/$(call IMAGE_NAME,$(1),$(2)).gz: $(KDIR)/tmp/$(call 
-       gzip -c -9n $$^ > $$@
-  $(BIN_DIR)/$(call IMAGE_NAME,$(1),$(2)): $(KDIR)/tmp/$(call 
-       cp $$^ $$@
-       $(if $(CONFIG_JSON_ADD_IMAGE_INFO), \
+  GZ_SUFFIX := $(if $(filter %dtb %gz,$(2)),,$(if $(and $(findstring 
+  $(BUILD_DIR)/json_info_files/$(call IMAGE_NAME,$(1),$(2)).json: 
$(BIN_DIR)/$(call IMAGE_NAME,$(1),$(2))$$(GZ_SUFFIX)
                DEVICE_ID="$(DEVICE_NAME)" \
+               WORK_DIR="$(BUILD_DIR)/json_info_files" \
                BIN_DIR="$(BIN_DIR)" \
                IMAGE_NAME="$(IMAGE_NAME)" \
                IMAGE_TYPE=$(word 1,$(subst ., ,$(2))) \
@@ -595,6 +577,28 @@ define Device/Build/image
                $(TOPDIR)/scripts/json_add_image_info.py \
+  ROOTFS/$(1)/$(3) := \
+       $(KDIR)/root.$(1)$$(strip \
+               $$(if $$(FS_OPTIONS/$(1)),+fs=$$(call 
param_mangle,$$(FS_OPTIONS/$(1)))) \
+       )$$(strip \
+               $(if $(TARGET_PER_DEVICE_ROOTFS),+pkg=$$(ROOTFS_ID/$(3))) \
+       )
+  ifndef IB
+    $$(ROOTFS/$(1)/$(3)): $(if 
+  endif
+  $(KDIR)/tmp/$(call IMAGE_NAME,$(1),$(2)): $$(KDIR_KERNEL_IMAGE) 
+       @rm -f $$@
+       [ -f $$(word 1,$$^) -a -f $$(word 2,$$^) ]
+       $$(call concat_cmd,$(if 
+  .IGNORE: $(BIN_DIR)/$(call IMAGE_NAME,$(1),$(2))
+  $(BIN_DIR)/$(call IMAGE_NAME,$(1),$(2)).gz: $(KDIR)/tmp/$(call 
+       gzip -c -9n $$^ > $$@
+  $(BIN_DIR)/$(call IMAGE_NAME,$(1),$(2)): $(KDIR)/tmp/$(call 
+       cp $$^ $$@
 define Device/Build/artifact
@@ -612,8 +616,6 @@ define Device/Build/artifact
 define Device/Build
-  $(shell rm -f $(BIN_DIR)/$(IMG_PREFIX)-$(1).json)
   $(if $(CONFIG_TARGET_ROOTFS_INITRAMFS),$(call Device/Build/initramfs,$(1)))
   $(call Device/Build/kernel,$(1))
@@ -699,6 +701,7 @@ define BuildImage
     image_prepare: compile
                mkdir -p $(BIN_DIR) $(KDIR)/tmp
+               rm -rf $(BUILD_DIR)/json_info_files/
                $(call Image/Prepare)
     legacy-images-prepare-make: image_prepare
diff --git a/scripts/json_add_image_info.py b/scripts/json_add_image_info.py
index 44b4031f85..9ce4474e91 100755
--- a/scripts/json_add_image_info.py
+++ b/scripts/json_add_image_info.py
@@ -1,18 +1,23 @@
 #!/usr/bin/env python3
-import json
-import os
+from os import getenv
+from pathlib import Path
 import hashlib
+import json
+bin_dir = Path(getenv("BIN_DIR"))
-def e(variable, default=None):
-    return os.environ.get(variable, default)
+image_file = bin_dir / getenv("IMAGE_NAME")
+if not image_file.is_file():
+    print("Skip JSON creation for non existing image ", image_file)
+    exit(0)
-json_path = "{}{}{}.json".format(e("BIN_DIR"), os.sep, e("IMAGE_PREFIX"))
+work_dir = Path(getenv("WORK_DIR"))
+if not work_dir.is_dir():
+    work_dir.mkdir(parents=True)
-with open(os.path.join(e("BIN_DIR"), e("IMAGE_NAME")), "rb") as image_file:
-    image_hash = hashlib.sha256(image_file.read()).hexdigest()
+json_path = work_dir / (getenv("IMAGE_NAME") + ".json")
 def get_titles():
@@ -20,36 +25,40 @@ def get_titles():
     for prefix in ["", "ALT0_", "ALT1_", "ALT2_"]:
         title = {}
         for var in ["vendor", "model", "variant"]:
-            if e("DEVICE_{}{}".format(prefix, var.upper())):
-                title[var] = e("DEVICE_{}{}".format(prefix, var.upper()))
+            if getenv("DEVICE_{}{}".format(prefix, var.upper())):
+                title[var] = getenv("DEVICE_{}{}".format(prefix, var.upper()))
         if title:
     if not titles:
-        titles.append({"title": e("DEVICE_TITLE")})
+        titles.append({"title": getenv("DEVICE_TITLE")})
     return titles
-if not os.path.exists(json_path):
-    device_info = {
-        "id": e("DEVICE_ID"),
-        "image_prefix": e("IMAGE_PREFIX"),
-        "images": [],
-        "metadata_version": 1,
-        "supported_devices": e("SUPPORTED_DEVICES").split(),
-        "target": "{}/{}".format(e("TARGET"), e("SUBTARGET", "generic")),
-        "titles": get_titles(),
-        "version_commit": e("VERSION_CODE"),
-        "version_number": e("VERSION_NUMBER"),
-    }
-    with open(json_path, "r") as json_file:
-        device_info = json.load(json_file)
-image_info = {"type": e("IMAGE_TYPE"), "name": e("IMAGE_NAME"), "sha256": 
-with open(json_path, "w") as json_file:
-    json.dump(device_info, json_file, sort_keys=True, indent="  ")
+device_id = getenv("DEVICE_ID")
+image_hash = hashlib.sha256(image_file.read_bytes()).hexdigest()
+image_info = {
+    "metadata_version": 1,
+    "target": "{}/{}".format(getenv("TARGET"), getenv("SUBTARGET")),
+    "version_code": getenv("VERSION_CODE"),
+    "version_number": getenv("VERSION_NUMBER"),
+    "profiles": {
+        device_id: {
+            "image_prefix": getenv("IMAGE_PREFIX"),
+            "images": [
+                {
+                    "type": getenv("IMAGE_TYPE"),
+                    "name": getenv("IMAGE_NAME"),
+                    "sha256": image_hash,
+                }
+            ],
+            "supported_devices": getenv("SUPPORTED_DEVICES").split(),
+            "titles": get_titles(),
+        }
+    },
+json_path.write_text(json.dumps(image_info, separators=(",", ":")))
diff --git a/scripts/json_overview_image_info.py 
new file mode 100755
index 0000000000..eeefee1697
--- /dev/null
+++ b/scripts/json_overview_image_info.py
@@ -0,0 +1,41 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env python3
+import json
+from pathlib import Path
+from os import getenv
+from sys import argv
+if len(argv) != 2:
+    print("JSON info files script requires ouput file as argument")
+    exit(1)
+output_path = Path(argv[1])
+assert getenv("WORK_DIR"), "$WORK_DIR required"
+work_dir = Path(getenv("WORK_DIR"))
+assert work_dir.is_dir(), "$WORK_DIR not a directory"
+output = {}
+for json_file in work_dir.glob("*.json"):
+    image_info = json.loads(json_file.read_text())
+    if not output:
+        output.update(image_info)
+    else:
+        # get first (and only) profile in json file
+        device_id = next(iter(image_info["profiles"].keys()))
+        if device_id not in output["profiles"]:
+            output["profiles"].update(image_info["profiles"])
+        else:
+            output["profiles"][device_id]["images"].append(
+                image_info["profiles"][device_id]["images"][0]
+            )
+if output:
+    output_path.write_text(
+        json.dumps(output, sort_keys=True, separators=(",", ":"))
+    )
+    print("JSON info file script could not find any JSON files for target")
diff --git a/target/imagebuilder/files/Makefile 
index 15b3d5c35c..7d5eddaff6 100644
--- a/target/imagebuilder/files/Makefile
+++ b/target/imagebuilder/files/Makefile
@@ -118,6 +118,7 @@ _call_image: staging_dir/host/.prereq-build
        $(MAKE) package_install
        $(MAKE) -s prepare_rootfs
        $(MAKE) -s build_image
        $(MAKE) -s checksum
 _call_manifest: FORCE
@@ -163,12 +164,19 @@ prepare_rootfs: FORCE
        $(call prepare_rootfs,$(TARGET_DIR),$(USER_FILES),$(DISABLED_SERVICES))
 build_image: FORCE
        @echo Building images...
        $(NO_TRACE_MAKE) -C target/linux/$(BOARD)/image install TARGET_BUILD=1 
                $(if $(USER_PROFILE),PROFILE="$(USER_PROFILE)")
+$(BIN_DIR)/profiles.json: FORCE
+       WORK_DIR=$(BUILD_DIR)/json_info_files \
+               $(SCRIPT_DIR)/json_overview_image_info.py $@
+json_overview_image_info: $(BIN_DIR)/profiles.json
 checksum: FORCE
        @echo Calculating checksums...

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