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--- Begin Message ---
Hannu was correct - the root cause are the libubox and ubus updates done 
recently. Taking the r11829-e3e939d8e6 as a baseline and rolling back ubus and 
libubox to versions before the 2019-12-26 does fix the issue. I have previously 
tried only to roll back the ubus but that did not work - but doing both does 
fix it.

> On 29 Dec 2019, at 13:13, Hannu Nyman <> wrote:
> Petr Novák kirjoitti 29.12.2019 klo 13.49:
>> I am normally building my own images, but to make sure this is easy to 
>> reproduce, I have recreated the problem with the most recent snapshot builds 
>> as well.
> Can you be explicit with "most recent"?
> You mean r11829-e3e939d8e6 images that contain the last fix for libubox?
> Ps. Just as reference, so far I have not seen the sysupgrade problem myself. 
> I have already successfully sysupgraded away from r11829-e3e939d8e6 to a 
> 19.07 build both on R7800 and on WNDR3700v2

--- End Message ---
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