
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Enrico Mioso [mailto:mrkiko...@gmail.com]
> Sent: Dienstag, 8. Oktober 2019 07:14
> To: Filip Moc <l...@moc6.cz>
> Cc: m...@adrianschmutzler.de; openwrt-devel@lists.openwrt.org
> Subject: Re: [PATCH V2] ath79: add support for TP-Link TL-MR6400
> Hi Filip, hello all!
> Thank you very very much for your help and sorry for me not ansering to your 
> previous mail. I tought I would re-check this all when I
> went back home to report with precise informations, but in the end I didn't.
> Your help is very very much apreciated.
> As you found out, I would need help in exactly that: setting port numbers 
> correctly in the UI and fixing the fact eth0 doesn't receive
> connection status events.

What exactly are you referring to when you say "connection status events"?

This has two aspects: One is the LED status which needs to be set with switch0 
(I commented on that in my previous e-mail reviewing your v2 patch again).

The other one is that switch-phy-swap has an effect on which ports can detect 
link status changes. This setting will affect several things:
1. Which port gets link detection
2. The port numbers will change
3. The order in which gmacs are set up will change: If you change that, eth0 
will become eth1 and vice versa (on running system). This will require 
adjustment of setup in 02_network/01_leds, where ethX then needs to be swapped, 
too. Note that for several devices eth0/eth1 are swapped compared to ar71xx.

So, you really have a lot to play around with and to make wrong ;-)

For further reading on the effects of switch-phy-swap, you might have a look at 
this Pull Request (starting at the comment):


Note that the situation in the PR is even more complicated as the vendor did a 
dumbass setup in the first place.



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