initialized the ackto to max:

A) avoidance of late-ack state
B) not require wpa_supplicant  -- not in use by our community today
C) Suspect some conditions, e.g. low SNR Neighbors, do not trigger
"late ack" (consistent, with observation of low SNR Neighbors sticking
at max ack_to with my changes )

flip the algo off/on when new neighbor joins:

Intended technique to reset ack_to to max.  If ack_to is set to 20km
and then a new adhoc neighbor joins at 30km, this would be a late ack
state, and unable to detect.    My early testing results showed the
algo off/on would restart the ack_to to max and start the process over
with the new neighbor.   I trust I got it right?

There are 10s to 100s of users testing this bleeding edge change from
nightly builds, and so far, I've not found a failure case.
Although, the findings are showing the cases where static setting has
better throughput.


Hi Joe,

Purely fyi

I just pushed dynack improvements to all openwrt branches.

I also noticed the issues you addressed above, and these patches fix them for me.


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