Hi, one of the topics discussed during recent Hamburg meeting was "Review base packages"[1], where we simply talked about:
* lack of formal definition for a base package * transfer of base packages which don't fit formal definition into feeds So, how can we define which package should be included in the base/master tree? (Any idea where to put this on the wiki?) * package is needed by device in order to - build the image and flashing tools - boot device into usable state * package is convenient for development (gdb, perf, strace, valgrind etc.) - couldn't one just symlink/install those packages from feeds? * it's convenient for testing (ct-bugcheck, fbtest, spidev_test, iperf3 etc.) - couldn't one just symlink/install those packages from feeds? * package is needed for automatic testing - couldn't one just symlink/install those packages from feeds? * it's not possible to build the package and/or tooling out of the tree For the initial discussion, I've simply created a list of packages which are not used by any target, so probably possible candidates for transfer into the feeds: boot/kexec-tools devel/gdb devel/perf devel/strace devel/trace-cmd devel/valgrind firmware/am33x-cm3 firmware/amd64-microcode kernel/avila-wdt kernel/gpio-nct5104d kernel/leds-apu2/src kernel/rtc-rv5c386a kernel/rtl8812au-ct kernel/trelay kernel/w1-gpio-custom libs/libbsd (lldpd) libs/libconfig libs/libevent2 (lldpd) libs/libnetfilter-cthelper libs/libnetfilter-cttimeout libs/libnetfilter-log libs/libnetfilter-queue libs/libroxml libs/libusb-compat libs/nghttp2 (curl) libs/popt network/config/ltq-vdsl-app network/config/qos-scripts network/config/vti network/config/vxlan network/config/xfrm network/ipv6/464xlat network/ipv6/6in4 network/ipv6/6rd network/ipv6/6to4 network/ipv6/ds-lite network/ipv6/map network/ipv6/thc-ipv6 network/services/igmpproxy network/services/ipset-dns network/services/lldpd network/services/omcproxy network/services/openvpn-easy-rsa network/services/openvpn network/services/relayd network/services/samba36 network/services/umdns network/services/wireguard network/utils/curl network/utils/dante network/utils/iftop network/utils/iperf3 network/utils/iperf network/utils/iproute2 network/utils/ipset network/utils/iputils network/utils/iwcap network/utils/owipcalc network/utils/tcpdump network/utils/umbim network/utils/wpan-tools system/rpcd system/zram-swap utils/ct-bugcheck utils/fbtest utils/fritz-tools utils/fuse utils/lua5.3 utils/px5g utils/spidev_test utils/ugps utils/usbmode utils/usbreset utils/usbutils utils/xfsprogs 1. https://openwrt.org/meetings/hamburg2019/start#review_base_packages -- ynezz _______________________________________________ openwrt-devel mailing list openwrt-devel@lists.openwrt.org https://lists.openwrt.org/mailman/listinfo/openwrt-devel