On 3/14/19 3:39 PM, Jeff Kletsky wrote:

I'm trying to bring up an IPQ4019-based Linksys EA8300 and have a
challenge with the OEM bootargs from U-Boot. While they could be
modified once in OpenWrt, I'm hoping to provide a serial-less way
for users to easily flash OpenWrt from the OEM web interface.



  * I've tried 0067-generic-Mangle-bootloader-s-kernel-arguments.patch
    It doesn't seem to be able to modify the FDT

  * Can I better confirm if atags_to_fdt() is executing?

  * If it is executing, what am I not doing properly to modify the FDT?

  * If it is not executing:
    * Is there an example of command-line modification in `init`?
    * Is there a better way, short of changing U-Boot, to make the change?

While still something of a puzzle, I've been able to find a solution
in early `init`.

For future manipulations of this sort, working in `init/` where there
are fuller memory-management facilities, access to richer C calls,
in-built command-line parsing, as well as a console to be able to
more easily trace and understand execution flow.


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