Hi all,

this is concerning the ubox package. If there is a more specific mailing 
list/issue tracker for this, please tell me so.


We have found that the during validation of an NTP server in [1], the 
validation as “host” fails if the “host” is a link-local IPv6 address.


If you track the issue through the various wrappers, it narrows down to

inet_pton(AF_INET6, s->value, &a);

in [2].


Eventually, the problem is inet_pton not understanding the scope ID present in 
a link-local IPv6 address.


From googling how to address this, a possible solution would be a switch to 
getaddrinfo [3].

Another (less desirable) solution would be to just split at the % and then only 
validate the left part; however, I cannot judge whether this is easy to do in C.


Since I’m not very confident about my C capabilities and I did not find a way 
to build the ubox package separately (for testing), I hope someone is 
interested in having a look into this.









[3] http://man7.org/linux/man-pages/man3/getaddrinfo.3.html


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