Sergey Ponomarev <> [2018-11-29 17:20:08]: BTW, you're missing commit message here, and you don't usually send cover letters for single patches like this one. It's enough to do:
git format-patch -s1 git send-email ... > IF(NOT LUAPATH) > EXECUTE_PROCESS( > - COMMAND lua -e "for k in string.gmatch(package.cpath .. \";\", > \"([^;]+)/;\") do if k:sub(1,1) == \"/\" then print(k) break end end" > + COMMAND lua -e "for k in string.gmatch(package.cpath .. \";\", > \"([^;]+)/;\") do if k:sub(1,9) == \"/usr/lib/\" then print(k) break end > end" Can't you just provide proper(expected) LUAPATH from your build script? I'm for example using this for testing: rm -fr build ; mkdir build ; cd build cmake \ -D CMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX=/opt/devel/openwrt/testing \ -D BUILD_LUA=on \ -D LUAPATH=/opt/devel/openwrt/testing/lib/lua/5.1 \ .. make install VERBOSE=99 -- ynezz _______________________________________________ openwrt-devel mailing list