>    3.  Upstreaming Board.bin for IPQ40xx (Cl?ment P?ron)
>    4. Re:  Upstreaming Board.bin for IPQ40xx (Cl?ment P?ron)
>    6. Re:  Upstreaming Board.bin for IPQ40xx (Robert Marko)

I've dound dk01 and dk04 intermixed .. doing it wrong breaks wifi you
can still ssh into it. I've not found this attribute buried reliably
put anywhere, inclusive of uboot envars and both are present in
overlays .. so maybe it just tries both, I put them back on the
ceiling after I sorted out how to get into them without UART but if
you've one to debug this is a perfect reason to stuff a little ESP01
or whatever in there as a OoB UART. Note you have to enable the RX for
he UART on he board otherwise  it's view only, whcih was very
frustrating to find .. /etc/serial/config is wherer that's at.

I found the full compliment of FTDs for the various revisions here :

This should help. Note there's a lot of BLOBs in in there from
Atheros, which should still work from an olther version,
alternatively, you can get the SDK with proper ones from Qualcom but
probably won't like what you have to agree to, so how you handle that
is your call .. all of us rember the "fwcutter" nonsense so that's
where my head was at in saying it.


Michael Holstein CISSP

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