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--- Begin Message ---
Hello Matthias,
thanks for reply.
Stefan's Tip allready works!
That the 18.06.2 update fix this problem was my hope too. But it didn't
fix the problem. After the update to 18.06.2 i also have 4 radios.
Am 02.10.2018 um 21:13 schrieb Matthias Schiffer:
On 10/2/18 12:01 AM, Stefan Lippers-Hollmann wrote:
On 2018-10-01, blu.italia--- via openwrt-devel wrote:
One Question:
Is there a way to delete the old radios 0 and 1?
Just remove them from /etc/config/wireless, using any text editor
(e.g. vi), this usually is a result of the device path changing between
different (kernel/ backports) versions - which shouldn't happen, but
in practice does occassionally.
Stefan Lippers-Hollmann
Note that a migration script has been added for this issue on the
WDR4900v1, so the latest master snapshots, as well as the next maintenance
release 18.06.2, will fix /etc/config/wireless automatically.
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