Bjørn Mork <> wrote:
    >> The reason why the buildservers don't fail is that they're probably
    >> not setting CONFIG_PCAP_HAS_USB (default is OFF), so the patched file
    >> does not get compiled.  I will add that info in the cover letter.
    > Not directly related.... But I wonder if maybe this default could be
    > changed?

    > I realize that this is a space thing, but having an optional feature
    > defaulting to off means that practically nobody uses the feature.  And
    > this one is particularily useful.  At least to me :-) Which of course
    > is no argument since I can easily build my own images with the feature
    > enabled.

I also agree, but turning in USB requires additional libraries, and I'm not
sure that many will need USB captures on openwrt.

I (as don't understand why you are seeing a build failure
that causes you to want to patch the file.

Also, the latest libpcap (1.9.0) has cmake support, which might make things

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