On 28/07/2018 13:59, Sebastian Kemper wrote:
Hi all,

I'm adding a page about FreeSWITCH to the OpenWrt user documentation. I would 
like to add a guide on setting up a configuration to use freeswitch with Ekiga, 
along the lines of a testing ground for people to use and play around with 
before they take on other endeavors.

But I'm a bit reluctant to do it because if somebody sets up SIP connections 
wrongly it can cost them money (PBX getting hacked etc.). I don't want any 
blame for that.

Can there maybe be a general disclaimer that disclaims any liability that users 
adding documentation can link to? I've searched if something like this exists 
already but didn't find anything.

Kind regards,

openwrt-devel mailing list

In other articles where user error might cause issues we placed a banner on top with a warning, like this https://openwrt.org/docs/guide-user/network/wan/smartphone.usb.tethering

I personally don't think people writing the articles can be blamed unless the guide they wrote is actually wrong. If users screw up that's their own responsibility.

But I don't know the legal side of things, can someone actually sue OpenWrt or try to go after the contributors if such things happen?

If others agree (I'm CCing this mail to other wiki maintainers) I can add a new "Legal" page with link on the menu on the left where such disclaimers can be placed.

In the meantime you can place any disclaimer you want in the warning box at the top of your article, and be covered by that. A good starting point is copy-pasting LineageOS's https://lineageos.org/legal/


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