On Fri, 2018-06-01 at 03:36 +0300, Sergey Ryazanov wrote:
> This series adds a new ath25 subtarget for the Fonera 2.0g (FON2202)
> router. This router is unique since it have a USB port and uses PCI
> controller of AR2315 SoC. AFAIK, there are no other AR231x based routers
> which at least uses SoC's PCI controller.

Hm, I have one of these, still running the ancient unmaintained Fonera
firmware. I've resisted 'fixing' it so far because I don't actually
want to lose the Fon functionality. Is there a way to get that working
again if I upgrade to a modern OpenWRT (with 802.11r etc.)?

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