On Mon, 2018-05-28 at 14:08 +0000, Kevin Darbyshire-Bryant via openwrt-
devel wrote:
> I have a local-ish ‘tame’ ISP (AAISP) who might let me visit the
> office and try a test line there… but I’d have to book & arrange it.
> Or I could get a second line installed at home for £130+ for a
> month.   Hmmmm.  Would be good to have a UK based tester of
> ADSL/BT/Openwrt compatibility.

I used to, but I've also upgraded to VDSL.

I note that the bug at
https://bugs.openwrt.org/index.php?do=details&task_id=1567 even
*mentions* that it looks similar in some ways to FS#1247... but doesn't
include the PPP debug information requested in the latter. Mauro?

And is it just PPPoA, or also PPPoEoA (i.e. BR2684)?

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