
I'm Alex from Jinglue Semi. Shanghai.

I did some work on porting OpenWrt to RISC-V. Right now it based on  OpenWrt master branch and use upstream toochain (gcc/7.3.0, Binutils 2.30 and glibc 2.27). I am still working on use vanilla kernel but there are some build issues to fix.

You can clone from Github, build then run it on qemu 2.12.0 followed by the README.md in repo. I also tried it on HiFive-U board w/ ramdisk last week but the macb driver doesn't work, I will try to fix it when I have more time later.

  - https://github.com/xfguo/riscv-openwrt-port (build images/bbl/qemu)
  - https://github.com/xfguo/riscv-openwrt (openwrt)

Will try to submit patches after solve all the problems, also need to wait master bump to gcc/7.3 and linux/4.15+.


Alex Guo
openwrt-devel mailing list

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