Hi John,

First results on a private demowiki, see: 

1) red marking: What are we going to do with the sidebar (raw, untouched 
styling; could be beautified)? Keep or remove?
2) blue marking: I remember there was some discussion about a new, fresh logo.
   I think now with the move to the LEDE codebase is the right time to refresh 
the wiki a bit too.
   Does anybody remember where that discussion happened and what the outcome 
3) I changed my mind regarding hard cut. The OpenWrt wiki is still rw, and we 
should keep it that way until we have a plan on how to accomplish the actual 
merge of the wikis.


> -----Ursprüngliche Nachricht-----
> Von: openwrt-devel [mailto:openwrt-devel-boun...@lists.openwrt.org] Im
> Auftrag von Thomas Endt
> Gesendet: Samstag, 6. Januar 2018 18:06
> An: 'John Crispin'; 'LEDE Development List'; 'LEDE Project
> Administration'; 'OpenWrt Development List'
> Betreff: Re: [OpenWrt-Devel] [LEDE-DEV] owrt landing page
> Hi John,
> Since the styling is based on CSS, we would need the OpenWrt wiki's CSS
> for that. Once we have that, it will be relatively easy.
> But instead of doing the merge of the wikis step by step, I would
> suggest a hard cut.
> 1.) Make OpenWrt wiki read only -> I can do that or Imre
> 2.) Create .tgz of OpenWrt wiki and hand it over to LEDE wiki admins ->
> Imre
> 3.) Move LEDE wiki to OpenWrt styling (apply OpenWrt theme and CSS to
> wiki) -> I can do that. Some help of CSS experienced guys could be
> necessary for hard cases.
> 4.) Move content of old OpenWrt wiki to new OpenWrt wiki (former LEDE)
>     -> I can take the toh part (devicepages); dataentries will be taken
> from LEDE since they are way more up to date and contain more
> datafields.
>     -> Rest of the wiki: A plan needs to be worked out what will be
> carried over from old to new OpenWrt wiki -> Community discussion
> I'm in the starting blocks since weeks, waiting only for the GO and the
> OpenWrt wiki sources, and I'm sure, we will have some helping heands
> ready to start the wiki merge.
> Thomas
> > -----Ursprüngliche Nachricht-----
> > Von: Lede-dev [mailto:lede-dev-boun...@lists.infradead.org] Im
> Auftrag
> > von John Crispin
> > Gesendet: Freitag, 5. Januar 2018 18:54
> > An: LEDE Development List; LEDE Project Administration; OpenWrt
> > Development List
> > Betreff: [LEDE-DEV] owrt landing page
> >
> > Hi,
> >
> > could someone please help us with rebranding the lede landing page to
> > an openwrt colour/theme ? i would like to see this swithced over
> > within the next 7 days.
> >
> > John
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