> But I wonder, when the switch was made, was the entire source that is at dev.openwrt.org imported to GitHub? I ask because trying to build a CC image I am finding packages that were in BB missing. But they even appear to be missing from the "for-14.07" branch on GitHub.
> As just one example, packages/net/shorewall-{lite,core} is on the old dev.openwrt.org SCM for 14.07 but does not appear at all on the GitHub "for-14.07". So did packages get dropped on the switch?

You have missed the earlier move in June 2014 to move the packages from svn.openwrt.org to Github and to move only those packages that somebody wants to maintain.

Nobody has volunteered to maintain shorewall, so it is still there in the "oldpackages" repo (that is still accessible in git.openwrt.org). See the description at: http://git.openwrt.org/?p=packages.git;a=summary

The feed is correctly referenced as "oldpackages" in the BB feeds definitions: https://github.com/openwrt/openwrt/blob/barrier_breaker/feeds.conf.default

In CC that "oldpackages" feed is commented out by default, in order to avoid the non-maintained packages being visible by default: https://github.com/openwrt/openwrt/blob/chaos_calmer/feeds.conf.default

You can uncomment oldpackages to get access to those packages in menuconfig, but nodoby knows if they still compile ok with the current CC.
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