On 01.06.2016 17:32, Alexey Brodkin wrote:
> Also we disable sim because if the following breakage while
> building with it:
> ------------>8------------
> /usr/bin/env bash ./../common/genmloop.sh -shell /usr/bin/env bash \
>     -mono -fast -pbb -switch sem5-switch.c \
>     -cpu a5f -infile ./mloop5.in \
>     -outfile-suffix 5
> unknown option: bash
> Makefile:699: recipe for target 'stamp-5mloop' failed
> make[7]: *** [stamp-5mloop] Error 1
> ------------>8------------

rules.mk with its SHELL:=/usr/bin/env bash is the culprit

I had some issues when I set CONFIG_SHELL in the same  way
- using SHELL:=/bin/bash probably fixes this but might have
other side effects or breakage (globally/for other packages)
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