Hi Hauke,

On Fri, May 13, 2016 at 12:44:50AM +0200, Hauke Mehrtens wrote:
> When I use OpenWrt in this mail, I mean OpenWrt and LEDE, I hope we come
> to a solution in the next days on this.

It is strange to see you defining OpenWrt and LEDE as a same project -
especially due to the fact that LEDE is a fork (if you don't believe me
take a look at LEDE commit logs). To make things worse we've witnessed
that LEDE team members have been closing tickets or putting them in
"wontfix" state on official OpenWrt bugtracker - the fixes or
improvements did not land in OpenWrt while at the same time implementing
those changes in LEDE. While I don't mind in LEDE taking it's own
direction I do not approve this kind of behavior. Do you mind
explaining what does LEDE or its developers want to gain from such

Furthermore, I also find it extremely unprofessional to see you make
claims such as this one, c/p from Kathy's meeting summary: "Hauke
mentioned that some core developers don't like prpl." Who are these
"core" developers who make such claims? Are they even involved anymore
with OpenWrt?

> prpl wants to organize an OpenWrt summit again. Their goal is to bring
> the community, industry and developers together. Currently this is in
> planing and I want to know what should happen so that more developers
> and more members of the community would come to such an event.

I personally support prpl in this efforts due to the fact that last
summit was great and they did a good job with the conference and

> There are different ideas on how to organize such an event:
> 1. prpl organizes an event co located with the Embedded Linux conference
> this October in Berlin.
> 2. prpl organizes an event co located with Battlemesh next year in May.
> 3. Some people from OpenWrt organize an event in Prague at CZ.NIC.
> CZ.NIC would provide a location and local logistics, prpl could help
> with finance.

I am okay with all options but due to the efforts shown by CZ.NIC I'm
most likely going to give my vote to Prague.
> It is also possible to do more than one solution or combine them.
> Are there some people interested in organizing this by themselves with
> the help of CZ.NIC, then we could go with this solution?
> If nobody is interested in organizing this I would like to see it co
> located with the ELCE and the Battlemesh next year.
> No final name for this event was chosen. The current suggestion is
> "OpenWrt summit by prpl" or something similar.

If prpl organizes the event and/or gives funding for it they should be
credited for doing it.

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