Hello Alexey,

Alexey Brodkin <alexey.brod...@synopsys.com> writes:
> In commit
> http://git.openwrt.org/?p=openwrt.git;a=commit;h=3990e15258808b145226d7e95332c4708f9f9463
> I got rid of older ath9k_htc firmware in favor of newer ones.
Please see
for more details about the specific kernel change. Oleksij Rempel
(ath9k_htc firmware maintainer) says that older kernels will work with
firmware version 1.4.0 too if the filenames match older firmware. So
probably to support all kernels currently in use the latest firmware
should be installed to the old location. And once < 4.4 is phased out,
you can move to the proper new location.

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