On 23/02/16 02:31 AM, John Crispin wrote:

On 23/02/2016 08:23, Daniel Dickinson wrote:
I am reprioritizing my project queue and as my attempts at openwrt
contributions get either curt/rude (sorry John, I know you complain
about my wordiness, but for the majority of world who aren't robots
*excessive* brevity comes across as rude and maybe even hostile, which
is why openwrt has such poor community involvement these days), NAKs
with a lack of constructive suggestions, or ignored, I am cutting my
losses and moving on.



Hi Daniel,

shame to hear. when you started sending us patches i contacted you
privately and sent you a "welcome back to openwrt" and a message of
understanding of why you left and why you returned. you responded with a

That's odd, not only do I not remember this message, I have not to my knowledge deleted any messages since before I started contributing again, and the first private message I can find from you is message id <568a2310.9090...@openwrt.org> dated Mon 4 Jan, 2016 in which complains that I am too wordy and has no "welcome back".

On the list the first message I can find from you is message id: <567278db.3020...@openwrt.org> Thu, 17, Dec 2015 in which comment on the poor comment for a patch (it was mistakenly submitted with an indeed poor description, but that's rather not the point you were trying to make).

The first message I got frustrated in was message id <56922899.8040...@daniel.thecshore.com> Jan 10 2016

Which was due to a curt rejection of patch for whitespace issue I couldn't even see with my software configuration, and was after you had complained at me of my wordiness, and about another patch, rather curtly, and I had just been frustrated by large patch series being rejected by Felix for reasons never previously indicated anywhere, in what was a rather abrupt and seemingly hostile manner.

profuse explosion of throwing everything to the floor complaining that
the world was doing you bad and that you wont send patches again, then a
week later you continued just to throw it all down again.

i really wish you luck and hope you solve your problems. you are always

Yes I have had problems, but I certainly don't see support (or have memory) of your claimed kind words, and I certainly don't feel welcome, or that I am actually even getting patches looked at, except for some that get a curt NAK.

welcome here. i hope next time you return you will understand our best
intent when we try to work with you to get a sustainable review process
in place.

Two developers with varying degrees of contribution from others (what certainly looks like the case of openwrt today) is not a sustainable model nor allows for a sustainable review process, so I'm not sticking around in expectation of that day arriving.

Heck even Jow hardly contributes any more, and after you and Felix, the next most frequent committer I see doesn't visibly participate in the mailing list or patch review.

Perhaps there is much more going on than I know about, but in that case you folks have a serious communications crisis. Certainly it is not apparent from -devel that there are discussions and review occuring, and what does happen on -devel tends to be of such brevity (and usually of the bare-bones NAK, X is bad form) that it drives away potential contributors - in case you hadn't noticed, I kept trying for longer than most contributors you NAK; perhaps you should think about why that is (hint: it's not because the majority of the world has no attention span or interest, given friendly response, even when not accepted as is).


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