Hi there,
I have tried to run lxc on openwrt but it looks to me that those packages
are broken.

root@Honeypot:/home/gnuton# lxc-create -t download -n xx
Setting up the GPG keyring
ERROR: Unable to fetch GPG key from keyserver.
lxc_container: lxccontainer.c: create_run_template: 1102 container creation
template for xx failed

Hi there,
I'm writing you because I would like to run lxc on my rasperry pi running
Caos Calmer.
Below you can see that a few errors I got.

root@Honeypot:/home/gnuton# lxc-create -t debian -n xx
lxc_container: lxccontainer.c: create_run_template: 1097 No such file or
directory - failed to execute template /usr/share/lxc/templates/lxc-debian
lxc_container: lxccontainer.c: create_run_template: 1102 container creation
template for xx failed
lxc_container: lxc_create.c: main: 274 Error creating container xx

root@Honeypot:/home/gnuton# opkg files lxc-templates
Package lxc-templates (1.1.1-1) is installed on root and has the following

I have also installed LXC LuCi web GUI and it doesn't work too.
The GUI would allow me to create a openwrt based conatainer, but the truth
is that there is no such template available as you may see from the above

Digging further I had a look at the source code and I noticed there some
problems too
for instance
points lxc-download to use a not working server.

I would like to know what's the status of LXC, is it supposed to work or
those packages are unmantained?

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