Hi all,
I have noticed an unintended consequence of building all profiles for a
single target at once: All profiles get all packages marked as 'y' as a
consquence of dependencies of *any* profile being built.
This is true even before the code I'm doing to build multiple profiles
and is a consequence of the way package selection works. Because select
<package> selects a package as y even if it only needed for one image,
it becomes y for all images being built at the same time!
While I don't think there are any cases where that causes fatal negative
consequences it is perhaps somewhat surprising and unexpected (and in
the brcm47xx results is bloated images when built as a group).
The offending code is in package/Makefile:
$(foreach pkg,$(sort $(package-y)), \
$(foreach variant, \
$(if $(strip $(package/$(pkg)/variants)), \
$(package/$(pkg)/variants), \
$(if $(package/$(pkg)/default-variant), \
$(package/$(pkg)/default-variant), \
default \
) \
), \
$(PKG_INFO_DIR)/$(lastword $(subst
/,$(space),$(pkg))).$(variant).install \
) \
Unfortunately solving this problem is non-trivial, especially since
there is no easy way to disinguish between auto-y and intended-y or what
would be intended of there were not auto.
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