
On 06/01/16 05:24 AM, Bastian Bittorf wrote:
> * Daniel Dickinson <open...@daniel.thecshore.com> [06.01.2016 11:11]:
>> Not sure where you got those numbers.  Did you also post the exact
>> hardware and software configuration, and testing methodology, and how
>> you did the timing and what numbers 140 is (real command to done
> check this thread:
> https://lists.openwrt.org/pipermail/openwrt-devel/2015-December/037775.html > https://lists.openwrt.org/pipermail/openwrt-devel/2015-December/037856.html

Obviously your idea of cheap, fast hardware is based on the assumption that one is working on OpenWrt for pay rather than hobby. You're talking about at least $1200-1600 CAD which is a lot of money these parts, for the type of hardware you're talking about.

When I did have a job that involved work on openwrt (which I'm not entirely sure was worth it, for all that I got a couple gigs it wasn't with open source-minded companies and for that and other reasons was more frustrating than rewarding, for the most part, given that for openwrt was something of personal interest and I found the proprietary business interested tainted it for me, they say never mix business with pleasure, and for good reason). I did buy better hardware, but that is now only decent, not the class of hardware you're talking about in your email (and while good, wasn't real server class, ever). At the moment OpenWrt is a hobby for me, so shelling out that kind of money, and finding a place for such hardware, isn't an option.

You're numbers are pretty bogus for the typical openwrt community member, although they ought to be importance to those who can justify that kind of investment as a business expense.

So the work on improving build speed, based on Felix's suggestion is still definitely something I think is worthwhile for the kind of situation I am interested in.


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