
2015-12-17 9:20 GMT+01:00 Daniel Dickinson <open...@daniel.thecshore.com>:

> Hi,
> Speaking of jails, is it possible yet to automagically detect the
> dependencies for multiple binaries yet (there is package I've got a pull
> request to add to the packages feed that I haven't jailed because of a
> dependency on another program; if that other program can be included in the
> jail without having to manually figure out library dependencies I'll move
> it as well).

yes, i've recently added that, each file that you add to the jail are now
"parsed", if it's an ELF, all needed lib (.so) are added, if it's a script
(#!), the interpreter is added

> I'll do some additional testing etc with sysntpd to see about narrowing
> it's privileges.
> Regards,
> Daniel
> On 17/12/15 03:14 AM, Etienne Champetier wrote:
>> Hi,
>> 2015-12-16 23:34 GMT+01:00 <open...@daniel.thecshore.com
>> <mailto:open...@daniel.thecshore.com>>:
>>     From: Daniel Dickinson <open...@daniel.thecshore.com
>>     <mailto:open...@daniel.thecshore.com>>
>>     Note that not all of procfs sysfs log and ubus may be required for
>>     actual
>>     operation, they are just what strace reveals attempting to make
>>     accesses.
>>     Signed-off-by: Daniel Dickinson <open...@daniel.thecshore.com
>>     <mailto:open...@daniel.thecshore.com>>
>>     ---
>>       package/utils/busybox/files/sysntpd | 4 ++++
>>       1 file changed, 4 insertions(+)
>>     diff --git a/package/utils/busybox/files/sysntpd
>>     b/package/utils/busybox/files/sysntpd
>>     index f73bb83..e61c9fc 100755
>>     --- a/package/utils/busybox/files/sysntpd
>>     +++ b/package/utils/busybox/files/sysntpd
>>     @@ -31,7 +31,11 @@ start_service() {
>>              for peer in $server; do
>>                      procd_append_param command -p $peer
>>              done
>>     +       touch /var/run/ntpd.pid
>>              procd_set_param respawn
>>     +       procd_add_jail sysntpd procfs sysfs log ubus
>>     +       procd_add_jail_mount "$HOTPLUG_SCRIPT" /etc/resolv.conf
>>     /tmp/resolv.conf /etc/hosts /etc/TZ
>>     +       procd_add_jail_mount_rw /var/run/ntpd.pid
>>              procd_close_instance
>>       }
>> Nice to see people jailing daemon.
>> I've added some feature to ujail recently but it lack proper documentation
>> https://dev.openwrt.org/changeset/47862/trunk
>> Keep in mind that root inside the jail is the same as root outside it
>> (we don't use user namespace for now),
>> so sysntpd is still root and has access to /proc and /sys, so he can do
>> lots of things
>> Can you try to add capabilities restrictions ?
>> procd_set_param capabilities <json file>
>> for the syntax see
>> http://nbd.name/gitweb.cgi?p=luci2/procd.git;a=commit;h=51201235db9dad9fe1823d9de46ed90f5e160fd0
>> maybe you can also add
>> procd_set_param no_new_privs 1
>> which prevent the process to gain new privileges (this disable suid ...)
>> Etienne
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