Am Sonntag, 15. November 2015, 22:59:48 schrieben Sie:
> Why are you using some random commit and not the commit of the 1.5.2 tag?
it was the most recent commit this moment and the messages seems to give only 

> When I build it I get this warning, can you fix it?

got also these compile-warnings, but I'm not really famillar with this code. 
maybe I can fix the warnings, but I'm not really sure if teh code will do as 
My intention was just just to get a working build-env ...

> > 
> > -PKG_MIRROR_MD5SUM:=9fe0518213feddacd1842935dddeb6c8
> > +PKG_MIRROR_MD5SUM:=0785919dc5888e9397a8bb77e7e0e19c
> Where did you get this md5sum from?

my hack was, to create a tgz from the gitcheckout and let the md5sum-tool 
calculate the sum.


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