>> Date: Sun, 20 Sep 2015 23:52:32 +0300
>> Subject: Re: [OpenWrt-Devel] [PATCH] comgt-ncm: Add possibility to
>> choose PDP context type
>> From: sami at olmari.fi
>> To: malaakso at elisanet.fi
>> CC: openwrt-devel at lists.openwrt.org
>> This is not working with Huawei E3276, only "option pdptype 'IP' works,
>> IPV6 and IPV4V6... I do not have IPv6 offered from ISP currently,
>> should it matter. At attachment there is clips from the log using each
>> option type, most important clip here, same for IPV4V6 (aka no option
>> set):
>> Sun Sep 20 20:32:10 2015 daemon.notice netifd: wan (2935): sending ->
>> AT+CGDCONT=1,"IPV6","opengate"
>> Sun Sep 20 20:32:11 2015 daemon.notice netifd: wan (2935): Error
>> running AT-command
>> Sun Sep 20 20:32:11 2015 daemon.notice netifd: wan (2935): Failed to
>> initialize modem
>> There is also some random other errors seen on log on _working_
>> connection, I don't know do they bear any importance, as system works.
>> Anything I could do to make it work so that it wouldn't at least fail?
>>   Sami Olmari
>> P.S. I've updated wiki with this new option information :)
> Hi,
> If you don't have IPv6 from your ISP, then that is expected. That doesn't
> the fact that my patch does introduce a regression for those without
IPv6, them
> having to manually disable it (setting ipv6 to 0 selects "IP" by
default). I'll have to
> think the defaults through again, most likely changing PDP type "IP" to
be the
> default unless IPv6 is explicitely _enabled_.
> Thanks for reporting!
> Matti
> Hi there!
> I noticed this regression today after upgrading to trunk. I don't think
> this is the complete answer though.
> I have the same E3276 dongle and I *do* have IPv6 from my ISP (Tele2,
> Sweden). The same SIM-card in a B593s-22 router gets me a native IPv6
> connection.
> I see the exact same error in the logs and I've verified that E3276
> accept IPV6 (or IPV4V6, or ... ) as the second parameter by manually echo
> -e 'AT+CGDCONT=1,"IPV6","internet.tele2.se",""\r' > /dev/cdc-wdm0. Only
> "IP" works.
> Is the AT+CGDCONT command the correct way to select the PDP type on Huawei
> NCM dongles? What info is that based on?
> If there's something you want me to try, just shout.
> /Andreas

Hi Andreas,

You could try to change the PDP context number from 1 to something else,
e.g., 2, 3 or even higher. It is the first number in the AT+CGDCONT and
AT^NDISDUP commands. Change it in all of them in ncm.json. Command
AT+CGDCONT? should show all the profiles from the SIM, and they may be
locked. AT+CGDCONT is standardized by 3GPP, and should work in all dongles
accepting AT-commands.

Maybe your B593 also shows the existing profiles and their types in the web

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