I have a custom build for x86_64 where CONFIG_PROC_FS is active (y) at the
kernel configuration. /etc/fstabs has nothing and is pointing into an empty
/tmp directory.

Is there any reason that might prevent the /proc from being mounted?
After booting for the first time, /proc is not mounted and because of that,
I'm unable to use 'top' or 'ps' to list the active processes.

I have been banging my head into the wall for the last day, unable to
understand what is going on.

Has anyone had the same issue before?

Carlos Miguel Ferreira
Researcher at Telecommunications Institute
Aveiro - Portugal
Work E-mail - c...@av.it.pt
Skype & GTalk -> carlosmf...@gmail.com
LinkedIn -> http://www.linkedin.com/in/carlosmferreira
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